5 Great Reasons To Get A Roof Inspection In Overland Park

Once you get a new roof in Overland Park, aren’t you usually good for 10-20 years? Is a roof inspection really a necessary part of being a responsible homeowner? Here are 10 reasons why you may want to consider getting a roof inspection in Overland Park before the snow flies.

1. It’s FREE!

Why not have a guy climb up on your roof and give you the peace of mind that everything is in tip-top shape? We’d much rather perform regular roof inspections and periodic patches than be the bearer of bad news that your entire roof is shot. Estimates cost you nothing.

2. It’s Safe!

Sure, you could inspect your own roof for tell-tale signs of storm damage… but, then again, you’d have to get up on a ladder, climb up a few stories, and ultimately risk life and limb to be sure. We don’t mind taking the risk. We’re experienced and insured!

3. Free Repairs Could Be Waiting!

Did you know that storm-related damage is covered under your homeowner’s insurance if it’s detected in a timely fashion? That’s why we recommend at least two roof inspections per year. An insurance adjuster will have to come to the house to do an inspection before the claim is covered, but having our professional assessment documented can help you get your claim approved.

4. You’re Buying!

According to MSN Real Estateleaky roofs are the #1 most-overlooked problem missed by a routine home inspection. Calling on a licensed contractor to inspect the roof before you buy a home is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself as a consumer. You may be able to negotiate the cost of a new roof in your real estate deal before closing.

5. You’re Selling!

Leslie Piper, consumer housing specialist for Realtor.com, told AOL Real Estate that it’s wise for sellers to get a pest and roof inspection before putting their homes on the market. “The costs of repairs or the replacement of a roof can vary and could be a big-ticket item a seller may want to be aware of before they choose the price they are hoping to get for their home,” she explains.

roof inspection in overland park

Need a roof inspection in Overland Park? Call (913) 262-4700.

Overland Park Roof Repair Prices Could Go Sky High

Overland Park Roof Repair

Before you go to the expense of calling in a contractor, see if you can analyze and repair your roof problem yourself. The best possible time to repair your roof problem – is as soon as you realize that you have one and if the weather is calm enough to climb up onto the roof. In fact, this could be further qualified by saying that the best and most economical way to a trouble-free roof, is to inspect the roof regularly, so that you see the problem developing.

Your Roof Repair could be inexpensive or it could be more than you hoped.

A leak from one dislodged tile is a small and inexpensive matter, but if you do not inspect your roof regularly, this will go unnoticed. By the time that you DO notice it, it may be because water is dripping into your spare room! This means that this whole area of the roof structure is soaked, the ceiling will need to be replaced and hopefully the flooring will recover.

overland park roof repairAlways check your roof after a wind storm, as most roofing is not designed to withstand fierce winds. Scrutinize the tiles for cracks, splits and torn-off corners; also check for lifting. Lifting is a common cause ofleaks, and can be easily rectified. Be aware of multiple tiles lifting, as this could be a sign that the roofing material is too old and is warping from all the weathering.

Climb into your attic/loft and ensure that any insulation that you have in your roof is not right up against the roof itself. There has to be a gap for air to circulate; also when a roof heats up and there is insulation directly behind it, this heat is thrown back into the roofing and excessive heating like this can damage and warp the roof.

Another weakness in all roofs is the flashing. Flashing is designed to provide a watertight junction between roof materials and structure, especially if the roof projects out or changes design (as with extension roofs). If you are installing a new roof, it is worthwhile to get the flashing ‘inspected’ as it is a common failure area.

It would be worthwhile to call a reputable repair company to inspect your roof for any problems.

Often the simple fact that the gutters, leading into down pipes from the roof, are blocked with leaves and twigs can cause a problem. Roofs must have adequate run off, especially in the areas which may have snow. Water trapped in the gutter will mean that it will back up the roof for a few inches and have time to seep into the edges of the roofing tiles. Not all homes have adequate perimeter protection on their roofs, although this is one good feature to ask for on a new roof.

Quite often homes incur roof leaks all at the same time (often after strong gales winds and torrential rain etc). This can mean that all contractors are busy and you have ‘stop up the leak’ until you can get help.

If you do get a leak, and you have placed buckets under the dripping water, be aware that the leak may be in a completely different place than it would seem. Locating the source is difficult, as water can run along horizontal timbers and appear to be leaking from a place that is sound. Getting up into the attic and actually looking for a wet spot on the roof decking will be an accurate way to tell.

If you can find the spot an emergency patch can be made applying roofing felt and using plastic cement to hold it until you can call in a contractor. You can also attempt to try repair yourself, if it is just a shingle that is damaged.

Although if you aren’t certain what steps to take, it would be wise to call a roof repair company in Overland Park.

You can carefully prize up the roof shingle by removing the three or four nails that are holding it in place; next, apply a generous coating of tar beneath the tear in question, and also coat the underside of the shingle with a with a coat of tar before putting it back in place. Add a spot of tar to each nail head. Most Overland Park roof repair companies advise against the ‘liquid’ asphalt repair products.

Roofs can also be temporarily repaired using roof membrane and sealants. Care must be taken to clean the roof surface first to ensure that the sealant will stick and keep the leak protected from rain etc. In fact, as long as the roof is clean and dry, the wonder of the 20th century – duct tape – can also be stuck onto the roof!

To receive a free home roof inspection and a free estimate, please contact your Repair company, Eclipse Roofing at 913-262-4700.