Home Maintenance Tips for the Winter

Every season there are home maintenance and safety items that should be done to make certain that a home continues to run properly and will not incur damages in the long run. Many homeowners skip over these basic home maintenance necessities because of busy schedules or sometimes because they are unsure of what tasks to accomplish along the way.

Simply keeping up on these small tasks can ensure that your home will function better in the long run. Seasonal home maintenance will also ensure that you have less overhaul or major expense repairs than homeowners who do not keep up on small season maintenance. These small maintenance items can also protect your home from fire, flooding, or other damages caused by neglect.

To keep from being overwhelmed by the task of home maintenance, it is best to separate these tasks into seasonal chores. For those who live in an area where there are four definite seasons, it is best to follow a logical task schedule that works with necessary maintenance for the different seasons.

If possible, set up a schedule of cleaning and maintenance tasks for each season. Try to maintain that schedule throughout the years. This will ensure that the tasks are not forgotten from one year to the next.

Winter Tips

Tasks that should be accomplished at the onset of every winter season are those that make certain your home will be protected from the cold or the damp weather. Even for those who live in a warmer climate zone, the winter season brings on more rain and chilly weather, so making sure the home is safe from damp and cold is the best bet for the winter season.

Winter tasks should include:

* Removing screen doors and windows and replacing with storm windows

* Checking insulation of pipes in attics, basements and crawl spaces and reinsulating if necessary

* Storing firewood in a dry spot near the home for easy access

* Checking and cleaning the clothes dryer and kitchen exhaust systems and cleaning the clothes dryer duct space

* Checking attic for proper ventilation for running of the furnace

* Checking all the water hoses connecting to appliances, water heater and water softener to make sure there are no cracks or air bubbles. Repair if necessary.